Евразийское экономическое сообщество


Совместные проекты Интегрированная база законодательства ЕВРАЗЭС В ВОПРОСАХ И ОТВЕТАХ Информационная система о товарах и услугах Евразийский деловой совет 10 лет ЕврАзЭС Портал Евразийской интеграции

Календарь новостей

сентябрь 2015

DECLARATION DECLARATION “Ten Simple Steps towards Ordinary People”


“Ten Simple Steps towards Ordinary People”

Heads of the following states: the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation, do hereby declare that the Treaty on increased Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Fields of March 29, 1996 has become an important factor in providing conditions for comprehensive and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Determined to give a new impetus to the integration processes, the Heads of States agreed to establish a common economic space based on the factual operation of the customs union, thereby providing mutually acceptable conditions for free movement of goods, services, capital and labour, and the development of common transport, energy and information systems.

Realizing that implementation of these long-term objectives requires dealing with a variety of complex problems of a social and economic nature, the Heads of States expressed their willingness to offer the available opportunities enabling a rise in the standard of living of the population of their states, and to use specific mechanisms to lift “barriers” obstructing the free movement of labor, travel, personal visits to the member states of the “Union of Four”, access to education and medical services, enjoyment of scientific and cultural benefits, and access to media.

A particular step of importance in this direction shall be the implementation of a Program entitled “Ten Simple Steps towards Ordinary People”, which includes joint implementation of the following measures:

1. Introduction of a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship. Ensuring the most favorable residence conditions for citizens of any of the states permanently residing on the territory of another state.

2. Ensuring the right to free movement across the borders of the four states subject to the same border, customs and any other control for citizens of any of the said states.

3. Providing citizens of any of the states with equal access to emergency medical services while on the territory of another state.

4. Ensuring free movement of foreign currency in an amount not exceeding the agreed sum across the borders of the four states.

5. Providing more opportunities for the free movement of citizens’ baggage in accordance with agreed procedures, provided the goods contained therein are not intended for industrial or any other commercial activity.

6. Ensuring free subscription for and delivery of newspapers, magazines and other serial publications issued in any of the four member states on the territories of the other three states.

7. Establishing favorable conditions for the broadcasting of television and radio programs of all four states on the territory of each of the said states.

8. Recognizing on a reciprocal basis general certificates of secondary education, diplomas of higher and professional education, and relevant documents regarding the awarding of academic degrees and titles. Ensuring the enjoyment of equal rights to enter education institutions in any of the four states, provided the entree has the required academic background.

9. Facilitating the procedures for money transfer and mailing between the member states of the “Union of Four”.

10. Ensuring the most favorable conditions for the activities of small and medium enterprises on the territories of member states of the “Union of Four”.

The Heads of States are confident that the implementation of the aforementioned measures will help raise the living standards of the population of their states and bring them closer together.

For the Republic of Belarus                             A. Lukashenko

For the Republic of Kazakhstan                      N. Nazarbayev

For the Kyrgyz Republic                                  K. Zhumaliyev

For the Russian Federation                             B. Yeltsin

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