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Календарь новостей

сентябрь 2015

RULES OF PROCEDURE for the Commission of Permanent Representatives to the Eurasian Economic Community


by Resolution of the EurAsEC

Integration Committee

27 March 2003


for the Commission of Permanent Representatives

to the Eurasian Economic Community

(as amended of 14–15 March 2007)

The present Rules of Procedure set up the procedure of work for the Commission of Permanent Representatives to the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as the Commission of Permanent Representatives), for organizing its meetings, and preparing and adopting resolutions in accordance with the Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community of October 10, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the Treaty) and Regulations on the Commission of Permanent Representatives at the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as the Community).


1. As a general rule, date and place of a regular meeting are set at the previous meeting of the Commission of Permanent Representatives.

In case it is impossible to hold a meeting in the set place or on the set date, Chairman of the Commission of Permanent Representatives shall set a new place or a new date of the meeting with consent of the Permanent Representatives of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as Permanent Representatives).

2. Extraordinary meetings of the Commission of Permanent Representatives are convened on the initiative of any of the Permanent Representatives or by the order of Chairman of the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community.

A representative requesting an extraordinary meeting submits to the Chairman of the Commission of Permanent Representatives an application justifying the necessity to convene such a meeting, as well as drafts of his agenda and draft reports on questions proposed for consideration.

Upon consultation with all Permanent Representatives, the Chairman of the Commission of Permanent Representatives sets the date and place of the extraordinary meeting not later than five days after the receipt of application.

3. As a rule, meetings of the Commission of Permanent Representatives are open meetings. They may be attended by General Secretary of the Eurasian Economic Community, employees of the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community and of the Secretariat of the Bureau of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community, as well as other persons upon invitation by Permanent Representatives.

4. Closed sessions may be held by resolution of the Commission of Permanent Representatives.

5. A meeting of the Commission of Permanent Representatives has the due authority if it has been attended by Permanent Representatives of all member states of the Community or by persons authorized by the respective states to act as Representatives’ deputies temporarily. Before the meeting begins, the person acting as Representatives’ deputies produce his/her full powers before members of the Commission of Permanent Representatives.




6. The draft of agenda to be considered at a meeting of the Commission of Permanent Representatives is formed at the previous meeting of the Commission based on resolutions of organs of the Eurasian Economic Community, proposals of member states, as well as of councils and committees set up by the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community, of subsidiary organs of the Community, of the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community and the Secretariat of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Community, with consideration of applications and inquiries submitted by the states with observer status, as well as by other states and organizations.

7. Not later than 30 days prior to the date of meeting of the Commission of Permanent Representatives, the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community delivers the full package of documents and papers pertaining to the questions on the agenda to members of the Commission of Permanent Representatives.

At the meeting of the Commission, any question may be removed from the agenda at the suggestion of any of the Permanent Representatives, or of the General Secretary, or of the Executive Secretary of the Commission of Permanent Representatives.

The package of documents on each of the questions on the agenda (procedural questions excluded) includes:

– evidence supporting the need to accept the introduced document, accompanied by financial and economic calculations if necessary, as well as by reference and information materials and the contributor’s instructions pertaining to the question;

– a draft of the document proposed for consideration;

– the list of treaties and resolutions in force within the Eurasian Economic Community pertaining to the questions considered in the document, as well as those treaties and resolutions, which shall be amended, supplemented or revoked in case the proposed resolution (document) is approved.

The exceptions are urgent questions considered by order of the Chairman of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community, or of the Chairman of the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community.

8. As a rule, the Parties’ notes and proposals pertaining to questions on the agenda of the meeting of the Commission of Permanent Representatives shall be submitted to the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community no later than five calendar days before the date of the meeting.

9. In order to prepare drafts of documents, the Commission of Perma-nent Representatives discharges functions specified by the Regulatione on the Commission of Permanent Representatives at the Eurasian Economic Community.

10. The Secretariat of the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community submits drafts of documents and resolutions, as well as all required materials to the Commission of Permanent Representatives for consideration.

11. The agenda is approved at the commencement of a meeting of the Commission of Permanent Representatives.


12. Chairmanship over the Commission’s meetings for the period of a year is by rotation in accordance with the order of the Russian alphabet, starting with the name of the country of which the representative has been elected Chairman of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community at the Council’s first meeting.

The Chairman of the Commission of Permanent Representatives:

– has overall charge in respect of the preparation of questions submitted to a regular meeting for consideration;

– opens, conducts and ends the meetings;

– exercises supervisory control over the implementation of resolutions adopted by the Commission of Permanent Representatives;

– ensures adherence to the present Rules of Procedure.


13. Permanent Representatives decide on opening and ending a meeting at the suggestion of the Commission Chairman.

14. Permanent Representatives may be accorded precedence to speak on the procedures for conducting a meeting. In such cases, they cannot speak on the question under consideration.

15. The Commission of Permanent Representatives adopts resolutions by a majority of two-thirds of the votes. In case five representatives voted for the resolution but the total vote was short of the required majority, the question is referred to the Integration Committee for consideration. The number of votes corresponds to the contribution of each individual Representative’s country to the budget of the Community.

Resolutions entered into official records and signed by all members of the Commission come into force as of the date of their adoption unless the resolutions specify otherwise.

In case any of the Permanent Representatives has a separate opinion, it adjoins the official record of the resolution of Commission of Permanent Representatives, and the question is referred to the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community for consideration.

Documents approved by the Commission of Permanent Representatives cannot be amended or supplemented except for cases when the need to introduce amendments is based on considerations of principle.

16. The Secretariat of the Integration Council of the Eurasian Economic Community sends the official records of meetings of the Commission of Permanent Representatives to governments of member states of the Eurasian Economic Community, to Permanent Representatives and to all related organs of the Community.

17. The Secretariat of the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community provides organizational and information support for activities of the Commission of Permanent Representatives. For this purpose, the Executive Secretary of the Commission is appointed from amongst senior officers of the Secretariat of the Integration Committee by resolution of the Commission of Permanent Representatives, as advised by the General Secretary of the Eurasian Economic Community.

The Executive Secretary of the Commission:

– ensures organization of the Commission’s work, as well as holding the Commission’s meetings, the keeping and proper execution of official records of the said meetings;

– ensures preparation of drafts of the Commission’s work plans and drafts of reports on implementation of the said plans;

– conducts clerical work pertaining to the Commission’s activities;

– notifies members of the Commission on the implementation of the Commission’s resolutions and on other issues within the competence of the Commission.

18. Financing for meetings of the Commission of Permanent Representatives is provided out of the budgetary funds of the Eurasian Economic Community.


19. Texts of documents adopted by the Commission of Permanent Representatives are printed in Community publications by resolution of the Commission.

20. The present Rules are approved by the Commission of Permanent Representatives. Amendments to the present Rules may be introduced at the suggestion of any of the Permanent Representatives.


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