Евразийское экономическое сообщество


Совместные проекты Интегрированная база законодательства ЕВРАЗЭС В ВОПРОСАХ И ОТВЕТАХ Информационная система о товарах и услугах Евразийский деловой совет 10 лет ЕврАзЭС Портал Евразийской интеграции

Календарь новостей

сентябрь 2015

MODEL REGULATIONS on Councils and Committees to the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community


by Resolution of the EurAsEC

Integration Committee

25 January 2002, No. 46


on Councils and Committees

to the Integration Committee

of the Eurasian Economic Community

These Model Regulations of Councils and Committees to the Integration Committee of EurAsEC establish objectives, purposes, competence, procedures for creation and operation of the councils and committees, and the rights and obligations of members thereof.

Article 1

1. Councils and committees to the Integration Committee of EurAsEC (hereinafter referred to as the councils and committees) are dedicated to specific industries and functions covered by collaboration between EurAsEC member states (hereinafter referred to as the Parties) in pursuance of the achievement of the Community’s objectives and purposes and are purpose-specific organs.

2. In conducting their affairs, the councils and committees are governed by international treaties recognized within EurAsEC and resolutions of the Community organs.

3. The councils and committees conduct their affairs pursuant to regulations approved by the Integration Committee of EurAsEC and by laws approved by the councils and committees. The said regulations and bylaws are elaborated on the basis of the present Model Regulations.

Article 2

1. The councils and committees report to the Integration Committee of EurAsEC and are accountable thereto.

2. The Integration Committee of EurAsEC determines main areas of activities for the councils and committees.

Article 3

With respect to questions within their purview, the councils and committees:

a) take measures to implement resolutions of the Community organs and international treaties relating to specific areas of integration;

b) review questions within their purview and submit, as appropriate, proposals to the Integration Committee of EurAsEC;

b) perform economic analysis, and analysis of the Parties’ national legal codes in areas of law relating to their fields of activity;

c) participate in the elaboration and implementation of interstate projects, programs and other collaborative efforts of the Parties;

d) annually submit to the Integration Committee of EurAsEC information about the progress of integration in relevant areas of collaboration and work progress reports;

e) on the instructions of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC, cooperate with other international organizations;

f) perform other functions within their purview.


Article 4

The councils and committees are entitled to:

a) elaborate, within their purview, acts designed to ensure implementation of resolutions of the Community organs and of international treaties concluded within the framework of EurAsEC;

b) submit, as appropriate, proposals as to questions within their purview, and as to draft resolutions of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC and the Interstate Council of EurAsEC;

c) provide expert evaluations of drafts of international treaties with respect to questions within their purview;

d) elaborate recommendations and specific proposals as to harmonization (convergence, unification) of the Parties’ national legal codes;

e) interact with the administrative offices of the Community organs;

f) request and receive necessary information in accordance with the Parties’ national legal codes and resolutions of the Community organs;

g) submit for review to the Integration Committee of EurAsEC proposals as to conclusion of agreements for services relating to their areas of activities within the expense budget of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC appropriated for these purposes.

Article 5

1. The councils and committees are established by resolutions of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC.

2. Proposals on creation of the councils and committees are submitted to the Integration Committee of EurAsEC by the Parties or by the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC by agreement with the Parties in the manner prescribed by the Rules of Procedure of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC.

Article 6

1. Appointment to the offices at the councils and committees are made, on a proposal by the Parties, by the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC, subject to approval by the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community,

Membership of the councils are composed of the heads of relevant executive organs of state power of the Parties and their deputies, one deputy per each head. As a general rule, one of the above-mentioned officials shall participate in the meetings of a council.

Membership of the committees shall be composed of deputies of the heads of executive organs of the Parties or persons authorized by the said organs.

Members of the councils and members of the committees have equal rights in discussion of the agendas.

2. Administration of the work of a council or a committee are implemented by the Executive Secretary, appointed by the council or the committee by agreement with the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC and selected from the ranks of the employees of the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC.

Article 7

Heads of the councils and committees are elected by members of the councils and committees from their own ranks by open ballot in the manner prescribed in the regulations of these organs.

Article 8

Heads of the councils and committees:

a) chair meetings of the councils and committees;

b) effect general guidance of the preparation of agendas submitted for discussion to the councils and committees;

c) effect general monitoring of implementation of resolutions adopted by the councils and committees;

d) attend and make presentations and joint presentations at the meetings of the Community organs in reviewing questions within the purview of the councils and committees;

e) represent the councils and the committees vis-а-vis the Community organs and the Parties’ executive organs;

f) sign documents of the councils and committees;

g) perform other functions prescribed in the regulations of the councils and the committees.

Article 9

1. Meetings of the councils are held as necessary, but at least once every six months on a rotation basis on the territories of the Community member states.

Meetings of the committees are held as necessary, but at least once every six months as a general rule, at the seat of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC, in Almaty or Moscow.

Relevant executive organs of the Parties facilitate the organization and conduct of meetings of the councils and committees.

2. Procedures for the meetings are determined in accordance with bylaws of the councils and committees.

Article 10

1. The councils and committees are legally qualified to adopt resolutions if all its members participate in its meetings.

2. In the event a member of a council or a committee representing one of the Parties fails to attend a meeting, his authority may be delegated to another authorized person representing the same Party on presentation of a written confirmation from the government or the head of a relevant executive organ of the Party.

Article 11

1. The councils and committees at its meetings adopt resolutions.

Resolutions of the councils and committees on procedural matters are adopted by a simple majority of votes.

Resolutions of the councils and committees on issues within their purview are adopted by consensus. In the event consensus has not been reached, the resolutions are adopted in accordance with Article 13 of the Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community of 10 October 2000. Adopted resolutions are implemented by relevant organs of the Parties with observance of national procedures.

2. Resolutions of the councils and committees are recorded in protocols.

Protocols of the meetings of the councils and committees are signed by the heads and secretaries of the councils and committees.

Protocols of the meetings of the councils and committees are kept at the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC.

Regulations of the councils and committees may provide that individual resolutions of the councils and committees may be recorded on an official blank form, to be approved, accordingly, by the council or the committee and signed by each member of the council or the committee.

Article 12

Russian is the working language of the councils and committees.

Article 13

1. Informational, legal, organizational and technical support of the operation of the councils and committees are provided by the Secretariat of the Integration Committee of EurAsEC.

2. Expenses associated with the financing of the conduct of meetings of the councils and committees are borne by the relevant executive organ of the host Party, and expenses associated with participation in the meetings are borne by each executive organ of the sending Party independently.


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