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сентябрь 2015

AGREEMENT AGREEMENT on keeping the customs statistics of foreign and mutual trade of goods of the customs union


on keeping the customs statistics

of foreign and mutual trade of goods

of the customs union

The Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

With a view to ensuring a complete and reliable registration of data in trade with the third countries and in mutual trade, analyzing the main trends, structure and dynamics of foreign trade flows and providing the bodies of the customs union with the relevant information for taking trade policy decisions,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1

This Agreement shall govern relations that may arise from keeping customs statistics of the foreign trade of goods (hereinafter referred to as foreign trade statistics) and statistics of the mutual trade of goods of the customs union (hereinafter referred to as mutual trade statistics).

Article 2

For the purposes of this Agreement the definition of goods of the customs union shall include the following:

Goods with free turnover status in the customs territory of the customs union for customs related purposes, i.e. not exported from the customs territory of the customs union;

Goods entirely produced in the member states of the customs union;

Goods released for free turnover in the customs territory of the customs union;

Goods manufactured in member states of the customs union among goods entirely produced or released for free turnover in the customs territory of thecustoms union.

Terms are used in this Agreement in the meanings defined by other international treaties signed within the framework of the customs union.

Article 3

Authorized agencies shall independently keep statistics of foreign and mutual trade in accordance with the methodology developed by the Commission of the customs union, established in compliance with the Treaty on the Commission of the customs union dated October 06, 2007.

The Parties shall notify the Committee of the customs union on the authorized bodies of the Parties, their official titles and changes in the Parties’ authorized bodies.

The input data in foreign trade statistics shall be data included in documents submitted to customs authorities at the customs legalization of goods.

Input data in mutual trade statistics shall be data included in documents submitted by foreign trade participants to the Parties’ authorized agencies during mutual trade.

Foreign trade statistics and mutual trade statistics shall kept on the basis of data on foreign and mutual trade of the Parties provided by the authorized governmental agencies of the Parties (hereinafter referred to as foreign trade statistical data and mutual trade statistical data).

Article 4

The Parties’ authorized agencies provide the Commission of the customs union with foreign trade and mutual trade statistical data; the procedure of transferring this data shall be defined by a separate protocol.

Among the authorized agencies the Parties shall appoint the bodies responsible for the provision of foreign trade and mutual trade statistical data (hereinafter referred to as the bodies responsible for data provision).

In the framework of this Agreement information which in accordance with the Parties’ legislation is regarded as confidential or for restricted distribution shall not be provided.

Article 5

For the purpose of keeping foreign trade and mutual trade statistics it is envisaged to establish a Centre of Customs Statistics within the Commission of the customs union. The status of this body shall be defined by a separate protocol.

The Centre of Customs Statistics shall carry out the following tasks:

Receive foreign trade and mutual trade statistical data from the bodies responsible for data provision;

Process foreign trade and mutual trade statistical data;

Provide the customs union organs with foreign trade and mutual trade statistical data;

Publish foreign trade and mutual trade statistical data and forward them to the Parties.

The Centre of Customs Statistics shall use the obtained data within the limits of its competence.

Article 6

In order to observe the uniformity of keeping foreign trade and mutual trade statistics the Commission of the customs union shall perform the following tasks:

Develop a unified methodology of keeping foreign trade and mutual trade statistics with a view to providing comparable data;

Keep to unified classification of foreign trade and mutual trade statistics.

Article 7

Foreign trade and mutual trade statistical data liable to publication shall include:

Information on export and import as a whole, including the data for each country;

Information on import and export in natural and monetary terms in accordance with common commodity classification for foreign-economic activity in the profiles of “goods and countries” and “countries and goods”.

Statistical data of foreign trade and mutual trade shall be published quarterly and annually.

Article 8

At the agreement of the Parties amendments may be made to this Agreement in the form of separate protocols.

Article 9

Any dispute between the Parties related to the application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be resolved through consultations and negotiations between the Parties, and if consent is not achieved the dispute shall be submitted for review by the Court of Justice of the Eurasian Economic Community.


Article 10

The procedure for entering into force of the Agreement, joining of the Parties thereto and withdrawal therefrom shall be stipulated in the Protocol on the procedure of entering into force of the international treaties that constitute the contractual and legal framework of the customs union, accession to them and withdrawal from them, dated October 06, 2007.

Done in the city of Moscow on January 25, 2008 in one original in the Russian language.

The original of this Agreement shall be kept by the Integration Committee of the Eurasian Economic Community, which, being a depositary of this Agreement, shall forward its true copy to each Party.

For the government

of the Republic of Belarus                                     S. Sidorsky

For the government

of the Republic of Kazakhstan                               K. Masimov

For the government

of the Russian Federation                                      V. Zubkov

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