PROTOCOL PROTOCOL of October 26, 1999 on additions to the Agreement on unified terms of transit through the territories of the customs union member states of 22 January 19981 PROTOCOL of October 26, 1999 on additions to the Agreement on unified terms of transit through the territories of the customs union member states of 22 January 19981
The Government of the Republic of Belarus, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, which are parties to the Agreement on unified terms of transit through the territories of the customs union member states of 22 January 1998, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, based on Article 11 of the Agreement on unified terms of transit through the territories of the customs union member states of 22 January 1998, taking into account Article 7 of the Agreement on unified terms of transit through the territories of the customs union member states of 22 January 1998; have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties, by mutual consent, shall have the right to impose restrictions on transit of certain categories of merchandise through the territories of their states, including the right to identify the list of checkpoints, through which such merchandise is permitted to transit.
Article 2
Conveyance of ethyl alcohol (2207 10 000, 2207 20 000, 2208 90 910, 2208 90 990 codes under the Nomenclature of Goods subject to Foreign Trade) in cases stipulated in Articles 3 and 4 of the Agreement on unified terms of transit through the territories of the customs union member states of 22 January 1998 shall only be permitted by rail. Ethyl alcohol shall be imported to the territories of the States Parties hereto only by rail or sea transport, including mixed river-sea ships, through certain checkpoints. In the absence of any express railway agreement between member states of the customs union, the Parties shall, by mutual consent and subject to bilateral and multilateral agreements, establish rules for conveyance of ethyl alcohol which may be different from the rules hereof.
Article 3
Either Party shall submit to the Integration Committee a list of checkpoints through which conveyance of ethyl alcohol is permitted. The list is subject to publishing in the Bulletin of integration promotion.
Article 4
The Parties shall have the right to deny entry of ethyl alcohol to the territory of their states when it is conveyed with violations of the terms and conditions set forth herein, or take any measures necessary in compliance with national laws.
Article 5
This Protocol shall constitute an integral part of the Agreement on unified terms of transit through the territories of the customs union member states of January 22, 1998.
Article 6
This Protocol shall enter into force on the date of its signing and for the Parties which are required to complete the internal procedures, on the date a respective notification is given to the depository.
Article 7
This Protocol shall be valid for one year from the date of its signing and shall be tacitly extended for a subsequent year. Any Party shall be entitled to withdraw from this Protocol provided that it has fulfilled its obligations assumed hereunder and has sent official notification of its withdrawal from the Protocol to the depositary no later than three months prior to its withdrawal. Done at The original copy shall be deposited with the Integration Committee, which shall transmit a certified copy hereof to each Party hereto.
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